Independent Order of Odd Fellows
Hopkins Lodge 17


Striving to make our community a better place to live
with Friendship, Love, and Truth

The Independent Order of Odd Fellows aims to provide a framework that promotes personal and social development. Lodge degrees and activities aim to improve and elevate every person to a higher, nobler plane; to extend sympathy and aid to those in need, making their burdens lighter, and to be an influence for the good of humanity.

For Odd Fellows, the degrees in Odd Fellowship emphasize a leaving of the old life and the start of a better one, of welcoming travelers, and of helping those in need. Lodges also provide an international social network of brothers and sisters that extends to more than 26 countries worldwide. The command of the IOOF is to "visit the sick, relieve the distressed, bury the dead and educate the orphan."

community service

Community Sevice

Continuing to help those in need with communication and participation in local community service and activities

youth outreach


Team sponsorship, Summer camp, Educational Scholarships

monthly cribbage

Join Us for Fellowship

Monthly meetings, Monthly cribbage night and potluck, Dinners, Group Activities, Volunteer Opportunities

IOOF History

Odd Fellow History

Inspired to help those in need the Odd Fellowship started in England in the seventeenth century